Several weeks ago, I asked for suggestions for post material as I can often hit a hard writer's block. The suggestion was to talk through some of the lifestyle choices we've adopted for our family and the ways we seek to embrace a simplified and minimalist lifestyle.
To be fair, Dillon and I started out...
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Mom Guilt
It's no surprise to the 8 of you who actually read this blog that being home on maternity leave has exponentially increased the frequency of my writing. When you sit down to feed a baby 6-8 times a day for 30 minutes at a time, you are naturally given more time to process and write (and watch a crap ton of Netflix). As my desire to write has been increasing...
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Lessons Learned From Maternity Leave
A few weeks ago I wrote about the Ten Commandments of New Parenting where I talked about the various rules that now dictated my life. As I near the end of my time home with Nora, it seemed only fitting to write about the things I've learned from being on maternity leave...
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Tomato Paste
When we got married, the church I was working for gave us a "Pantry Shower" which basically meant that members of the church contributed non-perishables for our cupboards. It was such a neat idea and for 6-8 months we were set with so many useful items. In fact, it took us a little over a year to use all of the pancake mix given to us (thanks to Cosco). But there is one item...
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Things My Firstborn is Teaching Me
I've found that some of the best material for blog posts comes from experiences, specifically ones that tend to "shake-up" my normal routine. There were things that I learned from being in India, and things I learned from living in Canada, and the theological insight gleaned from having a new puppy. It seems only fitting to create another new list based on my latest adventure of being a new mom...
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Stretch Marks
I remember the day, I saw my first stretch mark, created lovingly by this little gal I carried inside of me. I don't know why I thought that maybe I would be one of those women who powered through pregnancy, unchanged and unscathed by the process. I thought I would be able to muscle through long hours without getting tired or sore and of course I would keep the same work-out regimen and diet because I've got will power baby.
But of course, none of those things played out quite like I had planned...
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