This year I did something I promised myself I wouldn’t do my senior year. I went through the entire first semester resisting the temptation and just when I felt I was on the home stretch, approaching victory, I gave in. I lost the battle.
I wore sweatpants to class.
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One thing I love about January is that everything feels new. New year, new clothes, new haircut, new classes, new start. Everything feels fresh and the good, the bad, and the ugly from the year before is behind. Everyone seems to get a clean slate and begins to form all of these ambitions and resolutions of how they’d like to change in the upcoming year.
When the New Year begins it’s a great opportunity to start the year right. For some people it’s changing their routines or diets or style to reflect this “newness” inside of them. Starting off right is important.
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Hopeful expectation. Anxious waiting. Impending arrival.
Advent; a season that leads to something greater.
I have a number of “advents” going on in my life. There is the preparation that comes with finals, and the anticipation of break, and the hope of graduation. Every day is filled with little reminders of the preparation that something bigger is still to come.
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A Litany of Humility
In the college world you are continuously striving to excel. Your grades, applications, internships and connections are all a reflection of your abilities and achievements. Many say they don't care about their grades or what internships they get, but there is a frenzy happening in the senior class where many are scrambling to submit resumes and get recommendations for jobs or grad schools.
Yeah, you say you don't care...but I see you.
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There has been a reoccurring theme in my world lately. It seems like many of the people in my life, girls, guys, married, single, college students, and fully employed, are experiencing defeat. Somehow, someway the enemy has weaseled into the lives of the faithful and planted seeds of doubt, depression, anxiety, and fear. Even in my own life it has been a roller coaster of a season where there are moments when I just feel completely defeated.
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Don't You Dare
I recently came back from an incredible weekend with some of my favorite things. A weekend of God, students, the woods, and Jesus talks that lasted late into the night. My Spirit was recharged and so was my motivation for school that has slowly become over-taken by little outbreaks of senioritis. I, along with many of the students, came back on fire and ready to live life differently than when I left.
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