3 More Days

It started to hit me on the drive home...today was a series of first "lasts".  3 days from now I will be soaring somewhere over some ocean or land mass on my way to India.  All throughout the day I kept getting hit with waves of emotions.  Sometimes I was so excited to journey to India, and yet in that same moment I felt like I was going to puke...a tangled ball of fear and anxiety.  And the waves keep hitting me.  

Over and over again.

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Ashley Sider

Do you ever have a moment where something triggers a memory of yours?  A smell or a sound or a taste that reminds you of something from the past? 

I was reminded yesterday of an experience I had during the summer before my senior year of high school.  See each summer my youth group goes on a missions trip, usually somewhere within the United States lasting about a week.  This specific experience I had took place on a trip to West Virginia.  My group was given a number of tasks: organizing two warehouses, painting an office, and doing some yard-work.  It was about the middle of the week and my task was to help drag brush up a hill to a burn pile at the top.  Most of the other members of my group were involved in other activities and jobs and this was the part I had to play.

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Ashley Sider
Stand Still, Wait, and See

Do you want to know what one of my least favorite words is?  Wait.  I cannot stand this word.  In my book, its like a curse word because this word requires me to do one thing I am TERRIBLE at...waiting.  And with waiting comes patience.  And with patience comes trust.  And the list goes on and one.  Have you ever had to wait for something?  My guess would be yes.  There are times where I feel like I'm waiting for this "Big Moment", this defining factor where my life will completely change for the better.  

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Ashley Sider