Because Sometimes Dreams Change

I once heard someone say that the most powerful two words in the English language are "Me too".  I never knew the gravity of what that meant until I became a parent.  Countless hours have been spent searching for answers to the weirdest questions, all in the hopes of connecting with another parent who has had a similar experience.  Things like "My baby will only sleep with a blanket on her face...what do I do?"  "Why is my child's poop neon green?"  "When does colic wear off?"  "How much alcohol is safe to drink while breastfeeding?"  "Baby rolled off the bed.  What are signs of a concussion?"  The list could be a mile long.  And each time I asked a different question, all I was really looking for was another parent to identify with my situation.  I wanted to hear, "Me too".

Deep down, whether we want to admit it or not, we all want to be known.  And not just in a surfacy "I'll say hi to you at the grocery store, but we probably won't ever meet-up for lunch" type of known, but really, truly, understood and loved for our truest selves.  We want to be reminded that our weirdness and quirks and oddities aren't really that odd at all.  And when others around us begin to live more honestely, we are simultaneously given permission to live life a little more "out-in-the-open".  

I shared a little while ago about this new venture I'm pursuing.  For those who are just catching up, you can read more here.  I've been diving HARD into photography with the purpose of capturing real and authentic moments in a way that honors the stories that families are writing within their homes.  I believe that families matter.  I believe that the relationship between spouses is paramount.  I believe that the work of a parent is vital (and messy and hilarious and unpredictable and all.the.things).  I believe that children are the best form of welcomed chaos.  

And I believe your family story, regardless of the chapter you're writing, is worth capturing.

Becoming a Mom has rocked my world, in more ways than you'll ever care to know (Hello, 9 1/2 pound baby).  And through this whole process of transitioning into parenthood I've realized something that has changed my entire way of thinking:

Sometimes dreams change.

It's a hard thing, to give yourself permission to allow your dreams to change.  I think that often times, we think about our dreams as if they are the pinnacle of all we will ever hope or desire to achieve in this world.  It's our life's mission.  It's the Stanley Cup (can you tell I'm married to a hockey fanatic?)  And when our passions shift without warning, we can be left with a lot of questions and uncertainty.  

Who am I?  

Why do I want this?  

Should I want this?  

What will others think of me if I pursue this?

But sometimes dream change.  God transform us.  Life changes us.  Our people impact us.  I can't expect my dreams as a 27 year old wife and mother to be the same as they were when I started college at 19, or when I graduated at 23 or when I got married at 24, nor should I expect them to be the same 10 years from now.

But I've found such encouragement through talking with others who are carrying around their own secret passions, reminding me that it's ok to change and to pursue what is making my creative spirit thrive.  It's ok to reimagine your life.  It's ok to strive for something different than you had originally planned.  And slowly I'm learning that by cheering others on as they pursue their dreams, whatever they may be, I'm also cheering for myself as well.

So here's to embracing change and growth and committing to writing our dreams down in pencil.