An Update
Typically, I find that when I go a significant amount of time without writing, it’s usually because my feelings are just all blocked up and I know that if I begin the process of sifting through them for words to share, the whole mess will likely unravel. At the same time, typically, I find that when I go a significant amount of time without writing, I usually find myself being very full of said “feelings” and so tender that the slightest compliment, affirmation, or condemnation will set me off (good or bad). So here I am, beginning the process of unraveling the ball…
If you follow our business journey at all on Facebook (@Kinfolk Company) or Instagram (@kinfolk_company), you’ve likely seen that the Lord has been showing himself so so faithful as we navigate entrepreneurship. Each time we doubt the value we bring to the table, the Lord reminds us that this work is important and He will bring us business as we are ready for it. When I was first given the “vision” for Kinfolk, I was so nervous to share my dream with others. I was nervous to admit that I wanted a different rhythm for my family than the cultural norm. I was nervous for what my parents and my in-laws would think of us starting a business. I was nervous to share with our friends that we turned our sun-room into a wood shop. And in the midst of feeling nervous, I also found myself feeling incredibly humbled, that God would choose us, the Siders, to be able to honor and bless other families by using these unique gifts, woodworking and photography, to help remind them of the importance of their stories. It just doesn’t make any sense most days.
All throughout my life, I have always struggled with being content. Seasons of my life have passed me by as I was constantly waiting and wishing and planning for whatever was next, never fully embracing what the Lord had already given me; completely missing that in each season there were already so many promises already fulfilled. It saddens me to think of all that I missed as I wished time away.
But all of this changed when I became a mom. As I write, tears stream down my face just thinking of the ways that precious girl, sleeping in the room next to mine, has already changed my heart for the better. I’ve shared many times of the ways that I needed to reframe my thinking when it came to my home and capturing memories here, but over the past few months, the change in how I spoke about our home and our life has actually changed the way that I see my circumstances. Yes, there are things in our home that need renovated, but I’ve learned to love this home because it gives my family a place to rest. This home gives my daughter a place to play and grow. I’ve learned to love our little kitchen and our shockingly small bathroom because they are the setting for so many giggles, family hugs, dance parties, and snacks. I’ve learned to love our sun-porch-turned-wood-shop because they give my husband a place to create and honor the gifts that he’s been given. As I’ve reframed my language and my thinking, my heart has changed.
Not too long ago, I decided that I want my daughter to grow up in a home with a family that loves their life story. I want her to see parents embracing and celebrating everything that the Lord has given them. I want her to learn the art of expressing gratitude daily and to actively seek and name God’s favor in even the most challenging circumstances. I want her to hear and see God’s truths instead of her parents’ fears and the insecurity of others. And somewhere along the way of wanting these things for her, I wanted them for myself too and wanting a life like this has become much more important than what everyone else thinks about it.
So that is a brief and probably vague update on life with the Siders and Kinfolk. We are seeing the Lord work in some pretty amazing ways and are just leaning into each next step as its revealed to us. Thanks for being a part of the journey.
Live life handcrafted.